Camping Rules

Cub Scout Camping is to follow the rules and guidelines found in the Guide to Safe Scouting, and Age Appropriate Guidelines. Information below is in addition or to clarify information from these other documents. 

Purpose of Cub Scout Camping

Cub Scout Camping is intended to be a fun, enjoyable experience to introduce Cub Scouts and families to the fun of camping and the outdoors.

Basic Rules

Please keep in mind that camping with the scouts may be a little different from camping with friends and family. 

If you are not the LEGAL parent/guardian of the scout, you MUST be registered with BSA. For example, if Grandpa is the only adult attending with a scout because parents just aren't able to go, Grandpa must have an adult registration on file. You can do this here: Click on Apply Now and click on Adult. It costs $60 per year (year to date of registration) to be a registered adult in the pack. 

Adult Training Required


All adults must have completed YPT and turn in their proof of completion prior to the campout. This can be taken at 

Two-Deep Leadership must be followed at all times.

Lions and Tigers must have their adult partner present to take part.

For all other ranks: only in exceptional circumstances, a Cub Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a unit overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of another registered adult member of the BSA, a parent of a Cub Scout who is also attending. The unit leader and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. At no time may another adult accept responsibility for more than one additional nonfamily member youth.

Webelos Den Camping: Each Scout should attend with their parent(s) or guardian(s). A Webelos Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a den overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of at least two registered leaders. The leaders and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all youth protection policies apply.


There must be at least one BALOO-trained adult on every campout (whether Webelos/Arrow of Light den camping or pack campouts). This is done periodically through local districts. Check the training tab at for dates and registration. 



Tenting Guidelines

Age-Appropriate Guidelines & Guide to Safe Scouting

Den leaders, please refer to the Age-Appropriate Guidelines and the Guide to Safe Scouting before planning outdoor activities with your den. 

Packing List

This is a suggested list of items to pack for the campouts. You may need additional items or have some you don't need.


We make most meals as a pack while on campouts. 

Friday: You are on your own for dinner. Everyone arrives at different times and we need time to set up the kitchen. Please bring something you have prepared ahead of time or that doesn't need much for cooking. There are times we are under a burn ban, so make sure to check that so you can plan your meal accordingly. 

Saturday: the Pack will provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. A menu will go out as soon as we know what the dens are going to make. Each den from 2nd through 5th grade will be responsible for one of the meals. PARENTS when scout's den is making their meal you need to be on hand to help the den prepare food, cook, serve, and clean. Doing so ensures everything is prepared on time, ready for the next meal, and the same few parents aren't the only ones doing all the work.

Sunday: breakfast will be grab-and-go such as dry cereal, muffins, etc. This allows everyone to grab breakfast at their convenience while breaking down their campsite. 

Coffee will also be provided both mornings. 

Once the menu is posted, if you or your family can't/won't eat something, please make sure to bring an alternative. You are welcome to use our kitchen and cooking surfaces as long as it doesn't interfere with the den that is cooking, but please keep in mind we can't guarantee no cross-contamination.